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Doctor's services

The doctor is available by appointment Mon-Fri between 9am and 9pm. Doctor's appointments are phone and video appointments or home visits. If using remote connections is difficult or you don't have a computer or smartphone, you can have a nurse make a home visit to open the connections to the doctor. At the same time, the nurse can take important measurements from you for the doctor's appointment. At home you can take e.g. inflammation values, rapid hemoglobin, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, temperature, urine and blood samples and listening to breathing sounds. The medical treatment prescribed by the doctor can also be started immediately at the reception.

>> Appointment

Doctor's services and price list

Lääkärin palvelut ja hinnasto

Telephone reception

At the doctor's telephone reception, you can talk to the doctor over the phone about matters related to your health. You can talk about your symptoms, ask questions or ask for advice on medication. The doctor gives instructions and instructs further examinations, writes prescription drugs or prescribes other measures. Telephone reception is a way to get help for health problems without having to physically go to the doctor's office. You can get Kela's direct reimbursement from the doctor's telephone reception. Possible laboratory and imaging studies and a service fee are added to the price of the reception. Medicines affecting the central nervous system are not renewed or prescribed at the telephone reception. List of PKV medicinal products (Fimea)


Without Kela's direct reimbursement €59.90

Emergency reception at home

Emergency reception at home can be achieved by combining a nurse's home visit and a doctor's video reception. You don't need to own or know how to use a computer. The nurse comes to you and opens a video connection with the doctor using TerveysLoika's computer and internet connection. The nurse carries numerous meters and instruments when the doctor wants to examine, for example, your inflammation levels, your ears or your blood pressure. Blood samples prescribed by the doctor can also be taken at the same visit. You get to talk to the doctor like you would at a regular office visit, except that you are comfortably in your own living room. The doctor can prescribe medication for you to start or make referrals for imaging or follow-up examinations. You can get a starting dose of the medication from the nurse right at the reception. You can receive a direct reimbursement from Kela for a doctor-assisted remote reception, leaving you with €82.90 to pay. A service fee and a nurse's mileage allowance outside the Valkeakoski agglomeration will be added to the visit. Possible laboratory and imaging studies and the given medical treatment are added to the price of the reception. If you or your child has health insurance or is part of their sickness fund, you can receive compensation for the doctor's services and prescribed examinations and treatment. Assisted remote reception is not for emergencies. If you have, for example, chest pain, symptoms of paralysis or a sudden deterioration in your condition, call 112 or go to the emergency room.


Without Kela's direct compensation €109.80

Annual inspection

An annual medical checkup helps you stay healthy and keep long-term illnesses under control. The annual inspection includes two home visits by a nurse. At the first visit, an initial survey is made, which includes an interview, health measurements and a comprehensive laboratory package. After the laboratory tests are completed, the nurse will come to you again and open a video connection with the doctor using TerveysLoika's computer and internet connection. You get to talk to the doctor like you would at a regular office visit, except that you are comfortably in your own living room. The doctor will give you instructions for treating your illness and promoting your health, and will make medication changes if necessary. For doctor-assisted remote reception, you can receive direct reimbursement from Kela, leaving you with €182.00 to pay. A service fee and a nurse's mileage allowance outside the Valkeakoski agglomeration will be added to the visit. The laboratory package is included in the price of the health examination.


Without direct compensation from Kela, €207.00

Video reception

With the doctor's video reception, you can talk to the doctor "face-to-face" about your health-related issues. Nowadays, the doctor's video reception is equated with a regular doctor's office. You can talk about your symptoms, ask questions or ask for advice on medication. The doctor gives instructions and, if necessary, refers to examinations, prescribes prescription drugs or other measures. Nowadays, video reception is a natural and safe way to get help for health problems without having to physically go to the doctor's office. Possible laboratory and imaging studies and a service fee are added to the price of the reception. See the price list. Medicines that affect the central nervous system are not renewed or prescribed at the video reception. List of PKV medicinal products (Fimea)


Without Kela's direct reimbursement €59.90

Doctor's home visit

Not all health issues can be handled remotely. The doctor and nurse will come to you and you can have a reception in your own home. The doctor and nurse will evaluate the best way to treat your health problem according to your situation. Laboratory tests can be taken at the reception and medication can be started.


Without direct compensation from Kela €198.00

Certificates and statements

During the driver's license check, the doctor gives a statement and a certificate that confirms the person's state of health and suitability to drive a vehicle. The driver's license certificate examines, among other things, eyesight, hearing, exercise and functional ability, as well as possible diseases that may affect the ability to drive. Download the Trafi preliminary information form to be filled out from the forms before the reception.

€120.00 - €191.00

Inquire more by phone or email

A service fee of €15.90 is added to the doctor's services, which includes office, standard and e-prescription fees. The service may also include treatment equipment and examination fees and a nurse's mileage allowance of €0.57/km. Service supplements depending on the time of day and day of the week:

Saturdays from 9am to 6pm: + 30%

Saturdays after 6 p.m., Sundays, public holidays and Christmas and Midsummer Eve: + 50%.

Saturdays from 9am to 6pm: + 30%

Saturdays after 6 p.m., Sundays, public holidays and Christmas and Midsummer Eve: + 50%.

What is help from a remote doctor?

Mihin apua etälääkäriltä?

Nowadays, it is easy to get to a doctor's office without leaving home. The doctor's remote reception is possible by phone or via video. Below is a list of the most common ailments and symptoms that can be treated remotely. If you are not sure whether your case can be handled remotely, make a free call to a nurse.

We can handle these remotely:

  • Eye infection and other eye symptoms

  • Skin and allergy symptoms and insect bites

  • Flu, runny nose and cold

  • Headache

  • Abdominal symptoms

  • Urinary tract infection

  • Diabetes

  • Musculoskeletal symptoms

  • Well-being of the mind

>> Appointment

How does remote reception work?

Miten etävastaanotto toimii?

Book an appointment for a remote reception by phone or from the appointment calendar.

When booking through the appointment calendar, you can make a strong identification. In a telephone reservation, the nurse asks for the necessary information for the appointment.

Telephone reception:

Appointment with the doctor > The doctor will call you at the scheduled time. If you do not answer immediately, the doctor will call you once again after a few minutes

Video reception:

Appointment with a doctor > The doctor will send you a link to a video appointment to your email address.

Assisted video reception:

Appointment for doctor and nurse > The nurse arrives at your home at the agreed time and opens the connection with the doctor.

Repeat recipe:

Appointment > The doctor renews your prescription within the same day.

Certificates and statements:

Appointment > The doctor will send you a link to the video appointment to your email address.


You will receive a payment link before reception or an invoice by email/post after reception.

Canceling an appointment:

You can cancel the appointment 12 hours before the start of the reception. The full price of the reception will be charged for the non-cancellable appointment.

>> Appointment


We will answer your questions within a day.

We do our best to support you in your health and illness management.

Kiitos! Viestisi on lähetetty.

Fillable forms for reception

Täytettäviä lomakkeita

There are handy tools for monitoring health and illness. Download yours here to print or order several paper copies by mail. It is not necessary to fill out all the forms before the reception, but they make it easier to get background information.

Mandatory forms are related to certificates and statements. They are marked with a red star *

>> Blood pressure monitoring form

>> Home monitoring measurements

>> Medication list

>> Stomach activity list

>> Prerequisites for the assessment of open ability * For the driver's license certificate


Asiakkaiden palautteita palveluista

Customer feedback on services

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Orange Flower

Give it

The inflammation of the lung / sinus cavity was treated on the spot at home and on Holy Thursday, the nurse performed CPR, listened to the lungs, took blood pressure, oxygen status and blood pressure. The nurse contacted the doctor via the computer. I talked to the doctor myself and the nurse opened the conversation. The best, I will never leave here, this service became my own doctor and nurse. Parents of small children and others can use the service, you don't have to go to health centers when you're sick, and the service, including prices and travel expenses for the nurse, was €125. Great service. I still got antibiotics from the nurse and tomorrow my husband will pick up the rest of the course from the pharmacy.
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