Emergency reception at home
Symptoms and injuries that require an immediate assessment of the need for treatment or urgent treatment are treated at the emergency reception. The nurse comes to you, assesses the need for treatment and, if necessary, opens a video connection with the doctor using TerveysLoika's computer and internet connection. You get to talk to the doctor like you would at a regular office visit, except that you are in the comfort of your own living room, and you don't have to wait for your turn.
The nurse carries numerous meters and instruments when there is a need to examine, for example, your inflammation levels, your ears or your blood pressure. Laboratory tests can also be taken at the same visit. The doctor can prescribe medication for you to start or make referrals for imaging or follow-up examinations. You can get a starting dose of the medication from the nurse right at the reception.
You can get Kela from the emergency reception
direct reimbursement for the doctor's video reception (-€25.00).
A service fee and the nurse's mileage allowance are added to the visit
Outside the Valkeakoski settlement. It is added to the price of the reception
possible laboratory and imaging studies and given
medication. If you or your child has health insurance or
you belong to the health insurance fund, you can get compensation for the doctor's services
and about prescribed examinations and treatment.
The emergency reception is not for emergencies. If you have
has, for example, chest pain, symptoms of paralysis or suddenly worsened
health, call 112 or go to the emergency room.
See also the services of the Pirkanmaa welfare area:
Repolan toimihenkilöiden sairauskassaan kuuluvat asiakkaat voivat saada suorakorvauksen kassasta kauttamme.
Walkian sairauskassa korvaa myös palveluitamme. Maksat ensin palveluista itse ja haet korvauksen jälkikäteen. Autamme korvaushakemuksien tekemisessä.
Voit saada lääkärin vastaanoton maksuista ja lääkärin määräämistä tutkimuksista ja hoidoista myös korvauksia terveysvakuutuksestasi oman vakuutusyhtiösi ehtojen mukaisesti.