Annual inspection research package €89.90
Basic blood count and platelets
The basic blood count, or PVK, measures the number of blood cells and hemoglobin. Basic blood count is a very common test and is used for screening, diagnosing and monitoring various conditions. It includes eight different sub-tests: white blood cells, hemoglobin, red blood cells, red blood cell volume fraction, red blood cell mean volume, red blood cell mean hemoglobin concentration and platelets.
Potassium is a mineral and salt necessary for the body, which is obtained mainly from fruits and vegetables, and to some extent also from dairy products and meat. However, the amount of potassium in food does not affect the blood value, because the kidneys effectively regulate the potassium balance in the body. Too high or too low a concentration of potassium is due to a disturbance in this regulation or loss of potassium in other ways. Blood potassium content is often measured as part of a routine health check-up and the body's fluid, salt and acid-base balance.
Sodium is one of the most important salts in body fluids. The kidneys effectively regulate the concentration of sodium in the blood. It is necessary for the functioning of the metabolism that the sodium content of the blood and other fluids is suitable.
Creatinine and calculated
GFR value
Kreatiniinipitoisuuden mittausta käytetään munuaisten toiminnan arviointiin. Kreatiniinin pitoisuus veressä suurenee, kun tilapäisen syyn tai munuaistaudin takia toiminta häiriintyy. Laskennallinen GFE-arvo on tarkempi munuaistoiminnan kuvaaja kuin pelkkä kreatiniiniarvo, sillä se ottaa huomioon myös iän ja sukupuolen.
Vitamin D
With the determination of vitamin D, a possible vitamin D deficiency can be determined. Almost all tissues need vitamin D. It seems to improve the body's defense against pathogens. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to, for example, diabetes, cancer, circulatory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and softening of the bones.
Vitamin B12, active
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the development of red blood cells and the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It participates in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in people over 65 due to absorption problems. A strict vegetarian diet and some medicines can also cause a deficiency.
ALAT is short for alanine aminotransferase. The ALT concentration can be used to measure liver cell damage or inflammation. The most common cause of liver cell damage in Finland is alcohol or obesity.
Long-term blood sugar
HbA1c-tutkimus kertoo elimistön keskimääräisestä sokeritasapainosta edeltävän 2–8 viikon aikana. Mitä korkeampi pitkäaikainen verensokerin taso on, sitä enemmän verensokeria eli glukoosia kiinnittyy veressä kiertävien punasolujen hemoglobiiniin. Sokerihemoglobiini HbA1c -koetta käytetään diabeteksen diagnoosiin ja seurantaan.
Total cholesterol
Total cholesterol consists mainly of HDL and LDL cholesterol, which are also called good and bad cholesterol in the vernacular. Overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, little exercise, smoking and hereditary factors increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Total cholesterol is used in disease risk assessment. Cholesterol is mainly produced in the body, but some cholesterol is obtained from food.
LDL cholesterol
The function of LDL cholesterol is to transport cholesterol to tissues and artery walls. The higher the amount of LDL cholesterol, the more cholesterol accumulates in human tissues. As the concentration increases, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. That is why LDL cholesterol is often also called bad cholesterol.
HDL cholesterol
HDL kuljettaa kolesterolia pois kudoksista, myös valtimoiden seinämästä. Suuri HDL-kolesterolin pitoisuus on valtimosairauksien ehkäisyn kannalta hyväksi. Jos pitoisuus on pieni, valtimosairauksien vaara suurenee.
Comprehensive annual inspection research package €119.90
Basic blood count and platelets
The basic blood count, or PVK, measures the number of blood cells and hemoglobin. Basic blood count is a very common test and is used for screening, diagnosing and monitoring various conditions. It includes eight different sub-tests: white blood cells, hemoglobin, red blood cells, red blood cell volume fraction, red blood cell mean volume, red blood cell mean hemoglobin concentration and platelets.
Potassium is a mineral and salt necessary for the body, which is obtained mainly from fruits and vegetables, and to some extent also from dairy products and meat. However, the amount of potassium in food does not affect the blood value, because the kidneys effectively regulate the potassium balance in the body. Too high or too low a concentration of potassium is due to a disturbance in this regulation or loss of potassium in other ways. Blood potassium content is often measured as part of a routine health check-up and the body's fluid, salt and acid-base balance.
Sodium is one of the most important salts in body fluids. The kidneys effectively regulate the concentration of sodium in the blood. It is necessary for the functioning of the metabolism that the sodium content of the blood and other fluids is suitable.
Creatinine and calculated
GFR value
Measurement of creatinine concentration is used to evaluate kidney function. The concentration of creatinine in the blood increases when the function is disturbed due to a temporary reason or kidney disease. The calculated GFE value is a more accurate indicator of kidney function than the creatinine value alone, as it also takes age and gender into account.
Vitamin D
With the determination of vitamin D, a possible vitamin D deficiency can be determined. Almost all tissues need vitamin D. It seems to improve the body's defense against pathogens. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to, for example, diabetes, cancer, circulatory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and softening of the bones.
Vitamin B12, active
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the development of red blood cells and the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It participates in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in people over 65 due to absorption problems. A strict vegetarian diet and some medicines can also cause a deficiency.
ALAT is short for alanine aminotransferase. The ALT concentration can be used to measure liver cell damage or inflammation. The most common cause of liver cell damage in Finland is alcohol or obesity.
Long-term blood sugar
The HbA1c study tells about the body's average sugar balance during the previous 2–8 weeks. The higher the long-term blood sugar level, the more blood sugar, or glucose, attaches to the hemoglobin of red blood cells circulating in the blood. The sugar hemoglobin HbA1c test is used for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes.
Total cholesterol
Total cholesterol consists mainly of HDL and LDL cholesterol, which are also called good and bad cholesterol in the vernacular. Overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, little exercise, smoking and hereditary factors increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Total cholesterol is used in disease risk assessment. Cholesterol is mainly produced in the body, but some cholesterol is obtained from food.
The function of LDL cholesterol is to transport cholesterol to tissues and artery walls. The higher the amount of LDL cholesterol, the more cholesterol accumulates in human tissues. As the concentration increases, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. That is why LDL cholesterol is often also called bad cholesterol.
HDL carries cholesterol away from tissues, including the walls of arteries. A high concentration of HDL cholesterol is good for the prevention of arterial diseases. If the concentration is low, the risk of arterial diseases increases.
Thyrotropin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. The abbreviation TSH comes from the words thyroid stimulating hormone (= thyroid gland). Thyrotropin is necessary for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxine.
Thyroxine, free
Free thyroxine or T4V test. The amount of thyroxine is measured when evaluating thyroid hormone function, for example to determine hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Ferritin, i.e. storage iron, is a good indicator of the body's iron stores, and its low concentration is a sign of iron deficiency.
Sensitive CRP
The CRP value can be used to assess the risk of coronary artery disease. Today, we also often talk about measuring low-grade inflammation. A sensitive CRP reflects the risk of coronary artery disease in the same way as smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Väsymys -tutkimuspaketti 129,90€
Basic blood count and platelets
The basic blood count, or PVK, measures the number of blood cells and hemoglobin. Basic blood count is a very common test and is used for screening, diagnosing and monitoring various conditions. It includes eight different sub-tests: white blood cells, hemoglobin, red blood cells, red blood cell volume fraction, red blood cell mean volume, red blood cell mean hemoglobin concentration and platelets.
Potassium is a mineral and salt necessary for the body, which is obtained mainly from fruits and vegetables, and to some extent also from dairy products and meat. However, the amount of potassium in food does not affect the blood value, because the kidneys effectively regulate the potassium balance in the body. Too high or too low a concentration of potassium is due to a disturbance in this regulation or loss of potassium in other ways. Blood potassium content is often measured as part of a routine health check-up and the body's fluid, salt and acid-base balance.
Sodium is one of the most important salts in body fluids. The kidneys effectively regulate the concentration of sodium in the blood. It is necessary for the functioning of the metabolism that the sodium content of the blood and other fluids is suitable.
Creatinine and calculated
GFR value
Measurement of creatinine concentration is used to evaluate kidney function. The concentration of creatinine in the blood increases when the function is disturbed due to a temporary reason or kidney disease. The calculated GFE value is a more accurate indicator of kidney function than the creatinine value alone, as it also takes age and gender into account.
Vitamin D
With the determination of vitamin D, a possible vitamin D deficiency can be determined. Almost all tissues need vitamin D. It seems to improve the body's defense against pathogens. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to, for example, diabetes, cancer, circulatory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and softening of the bones.
Vitamin B12, active
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the development of red blood cells and the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It participates in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in people over 65 due to absorption problems. A strict vegetarian diet and some medications can also cause a deficiency.
ALAT is short for alanine aminotransferase. The ALT concentration can be used to measure liver cell damage or inflammation. The most common cause of liver cell damage in Finland is alcohol or obesity.
Long-term blood sugar
The HbA1c study tells about the body's average sugar balance during the previous 2–8 weeks. The higher the long-term blood sugar level, the more blood sugar, or glucose, attaches to the hemoglobin of red blood cells circulating in the blood. The sugar hemoglobin HbA1c test is used for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes.
Ferritin, i.e. storage iron, is a good indicator of the body's iron stores, and its low concentration is a sign of iron deficiency.
Transferrin receptor
The transferrin receptor is a receptor molecule for the iron transport protein. It reflects the activity of red blood cell production. The value rises in iron deficiency. The test is used in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia along with or instead of the ferritin test.
Thyrotropin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. The abbreviation TSH comes from the words thyroid stimulating hormone (= thyroid gland). Thyrotropin is necessary for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxine.
Thyroxine, free
Free thyroxine or T4V study. The amount of thyroxine is measured when evaluating thyroid hormone function, for example to determine hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Sensitive CRP
The CRP value can be used to assess the risk of coronary artery disease. Today, we also often talk about measuring low-grade inflammation. A sensitive CRP reflects the risk of coronary artery disease in the same way as smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Male health check-up research package €145.00
Basic blood count and platelets
The basic blood count, or PVK, measures the number of blood cells and hemoglobin. Basic blood count is a very common test and is used for screening, diagnosing and monitoring various conditions. It includes eight different sub-tests: white blood cells, hemoglobin, red blood cells, red blood cell volume fraction, red blood cell mean volume, red blood cell mean hemoglobin concentration and platelets.
Kalium on elimistölle välttämätön kivennäisaine ja suola, jota saadaan pääasiassa hedelmistä ja vihanneksista sekä jossakin määrin myös maitotuotteista ja lihasta. Ruoan kaliumin määrä ei kuitenkaan vaikuta veriarvoon, koska munuaiset säätelevät tehokkaasti kaliumtasapainoa elimistössä. Kaliumin liian suuri tai liian pieni pitoisuus johtuu häiriöstä tässä säätelyssä tai kaliumin menetyksestä muulla tavoin. Veren kaliumpitoisuus mitataan usein osana rutiininomaista terveystarkastusta ja elimistön neste- sekä suola- ja happo-emästasapainoa.
Sodium is one of the most important salts in body fluids. The kidneys effectively regulate the concentration of sodium in the blood. It is necessary for the functioning of the metabolism that the sodium content of the blood and other fluids is suitable.
Creatinine and calculated
GFR value
Measurement of creatinine concentration is used to evaluate kidney function. The concentration of creatinine in the blood increases when the function is disturbed due to a temporary reason or kidney disease. The calculated GFE value is a more accurate indicator of kidney function than the creatinine value alone, as it also takes age and gender into account.
Vitamin D
D-vitamiinin määrityksellä voidaan selvittää mahdollista D-vitamiinin puutostilaa. Lähes kaikki kudokset tarvitsevat D-vitamiinia. Se näyttää parantavan elimistön puolustuskykyä taudinaiheuttajia vastaan. D-vitamiinin puutos on yhdistetty esimerkiksi diabetekseen, syöpään, verenkiertotauteihin, hermoston rappeumatauteihin ja luuston pehmenemiseen.
Vitamin B12, active
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the development of red blood cells and the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It participates in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in people over 65 due to absorption problems. A strict vegetarian diet and some medications can also cause a deficiency.
ALAT is short for alanine aminotransferase. The ALT concentration can be used to measure liver cell damage or inflammation. The most common cause of liver cell damage in Finland is alcohol or obesity.
Long-term blood sugar
The HbA1c study tells about the body's average sugar balance during the previous 2–8 weeks. The higher the long-term blood sugar level, the more blood sugar, or glucose, attaches to the hemoglobin of red blood cells circulating in the blood. The sugar hemoglobin HbA1c test is used for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes.
Total cholesterol
Total cholesterol consists mainly of HDL and LDL cholesterol, which are also called good and bad cholesterol in the vernacular. Overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, little exercise, smoking and hereditary factors increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Total cholesterol is used in disease risk assessment. Cholesterol is mainly produced in the body, but some cholesterol is obtained from food.
LDL cholesterol
The function of LDL cholesterol is to transport cholesterol to tissues and artery walls. The higher the amount of LDL cholesterol, the more cholesterol accumulates in human tissues. As the concentration increases, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. That is why LDL cholesterol is often also called bad cholesterol.
HDL cholesterol
HDL carries cholesterol away from tissues, including the walls of arteries. A high concentration of HDL cholesterol is good for the prevention of arterial diseases. If the concentration is low, the risk of arterial diseases increases.
Tyreotropiini on aivolisäkkeen erittämä hormoni, joka säätelee kilpirauhasen toimintaa. Lyhenne TSH tulee sanoista tyreoideaa (= kilpirauhasta) stimuloiva hormoni. Tyreotropiini on välttämätön kilpirauhashormonin eli tyroksiinin tuotannolle.
Thyroxine, free
Vapaa tyroksiini eli T4V -tutkimus. Tyroksiinin määrää mitataan, kun arvioidaan kilpirauhasen hormonitoimintaa esimerkiksi kilpirauhasen vajaatoiminnan tai liikatoiminnan toteamiseksi.
Ferritin, i.e. storage iron, is a good indicator of the body's iron stores, and its low concentration is a sign of iron deficiency.
Sensitive CRP
CRP-arvolla voidaan arvioida sepelvaltimotaudin riskiä. Nykyään puhutaan myös usein matala-asteisen tulehduksen mittaamisesta. Herkkä CRP heijastaa sepelvaltimotaudin riskiä samalla tavalla kuin tupakointi, korkea kolesteroli, diabetes ja korkea verenpaine.
PSA is short for prostate-specific antigen. It is a protein produced by prostate cells, which is found in small amounts in blood plasma. The cells of other tissues do not produce the same protein, so the PSA in the blood always comes from the prostate.
The larger the prostate, the higher the plasma PSA concentration. The prostate usually grows with age, which is why the upper limit of the reference values almost doubles after the age of 50.
Testosterone, free calculated
Free calculated testosterone includes two tests, total testosterone and sex hormone binding glpbulin (SHGB). Testosterone is measured in men when it is suspected that too little testosterone is secreted (hypogonadism). In addition, it is measured when investigating the causes of infertility, sexual reluctance and impotence.
Women's health check-up research package €145.00
Basic blood count and platelets
The basic blood count, or PVK, measures the number of blood cells and hemoglobin. Basic blood count is a very common test and is used for screening, diagnosing and monitoring various conditions. It includes eight different sub-tests: white blood cells, hemoglobin, red blood cells, red blood cell volume fraction, red blood cell mean volume, red blood cell mean hemoglobin concentration and platelets.
Potassium is a mineral and salt necessary for the body, which is obtained mainly from fruits and vegetables, and to some extent also from dairy products and meat. However, the amount of potassium in food does not affect the blood value, because the kidneys effectively regulate the potassium balance in the body. Too high or too low a concentration of potassium is due to a disturbance in this regulation or loss of potassium in other ways. Blood potassium content is often measured as part of a routine health check-up and the body's fluid, salt and acid-base balance.
Sodium is one of the most important salts in body fluids. The kidneys effectively regulate the concentration of sodium in the blood. It is necessary for the functioning of the metabolism that the sodium content of the blood and other fluids is suitable.
Creatinine and calculated
GFR value
Measurement of creatinine concentration is used to evaluate kidney function. The concentration of creatinine in the blood increases when the function is disturbed due to a temporary reason or kidney disease. The calculated GFE value is a more accurate indicator of kidney function than the creatinine value alone, as it also takes age and gender into account.
With the determination of vitamin D, a possible vitamin D deficiency can be determined. Almost all tissues need vitamin D. It seems to improve the body's defense against pathogens. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to, for example, diabetes, cancer, circulatory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and softening of the bones.
B12 vitamiini, aktiivinen
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the development of red blood cells and the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It participates in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in people over 65 due to absorption problems. A strict vegetarian diet and some medicines can also cause a deficiency.
ALAT is short for alanine aminotransferase. The ALT concentration can be used to measure liver cell damage or inflammation. The most common cause of liver cell damage in Finland is alcohol or obesity.
Long-term blood sugar
The HbA1c study tells about the body's average sugar balance during the previous 2–8 weeks. The higher the long-term blood sugar level, the more blood sugar, or glucose, attaches to the hemoglobin of red blood cells circulating in the blood. The sugar hemoglobin HbA1c test is used for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes.
Total cholesterol
Total cholesterol consists mainly of HDL and LDL cholesterol, which are also called good and bad cholesterol in the vernacular. Overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, little exercise, smoking and hereditary factors increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Total cholesterol is used in disease risk assessment. Cholesterol is mainly produced in the body, but some cholesterol is obtained from food.
LDL cholesterol
The function of LDL cholesterol is to transport cholesterol to tissues and artery walls. The higher the amount of LDL cholesterol, the more cholesterol accumulates in human tissues. As the concentration increases, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. That is why LDL cholesterol is often also called bad cholesterol.
HDL cholesterol
HDL carries cholesterol away from tissues, including the walls of arteries. A high concentration of HDL cholesterol is good for the prevention of arterial diseases. If the concentration is low, the risk of arterial diseases increases.
Thyrotropin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. The abbreviation TSH comes from the words thyroid stimulating hormone (= thyroid gland). Thyrotropin is necessary for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxine.
Thyroxine, free
Free thyroxine or T4V study. The amount of thyroxine is measured when evaluating thyroid hormone function, for example to determine hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Ferritin, i.e. storage iron, is a good indicator of the body's iron stores, and its low concentration is a sign of iron deficiency.
Sensitive CRP
The CRP value can be used to assess the risk of coronary artery disease. Today, we also often talk about measuring low-grade inflammation. A sensitive CRP reflects the risk of coronary artery disease in the same way as smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.
The enzyme alkaline phosphatase, or AFOS, found in liver cells is mainly involved in the secretion of bile. Alkaline phosphatase is also needed for building bone. AFOS is typically elevated in liver and bone diseases. By examining the amount of AFOS in the blood, the function of the liver can primarily be assessed, but also the condition of the bones. If cells containing AFOS are damaged or the number of cells containing it increases in the body, the amount of AFOS enzyme released into the bloodstream increases.
Calcium, albumin corrected
Calcium (S-Ca, S-Ca-Ion, S-Ca-Albk) plays an important role in the body. It is involved in metabolic reactions, regulation of the heart, muscle cells and nerve cells as well as bone development and normal blood clotting.